Saturday, December 1, 2012

Victims Suffering From Medical Negligence

Pain and suffering for a medical victim denotes a victim's physical and mental anguish as a result of injury, caused by negligence or a failure to act in one way or the other. The damage that results from pain and suffering is classified as non-economic damages. In this case, a court cannot give judgment that will make a paralyzed person walk again or some other permanent injuries that will cause some physical function in a person go abnormal. The judgments that are given in these cases are only to make the life of the person who has suffered a little easier.

Where medical malpractice cases are concerned, pain and suffering refers to the victim's physical and mental anguish as a result of malpractice at the end of the doctor or medical a institute. Pain and suffering in a patient covers diminished senses, inability to walk or drive a car, etc. These cases also cover damages to the victim's potential career prospects. A good example would be a wrong diagnosis of a doctor which leads to a singer's voice being affected beyond repair, thus causing the career of the singer to come to an abrupt end.

There are a multitude of things that are covered when hearing a malpractice case. One of the things that are of primary importance is the ability or the lack of ability of the victim to enjoy life as a normal person. The status of the medical malpractice defendant is also considered in calculations to reach a sum that would be awarded to the victim.

Although the vast majority of medical treatments that are being practised today are designed to take care of the patients, thus avoiding any possible injury, all medical treatments carry risks in one form or another.

Before you start any medical treatment, discuss the risks involved, including alternatives with your doctor, or health professional. Ensure what you are discussing is understood by you by asking things to be stated simply and preferably written down. If the treatment is written down, it is easy to seek a second opinion. Additionally, ask for written details about the treatment and the alternatives. Contacting a support group for the kind of condition being treated to talk to others who have experienced it is a good way to start.

Always inquire about the doctor's experience in the particular treatment which is being recommended for you, especially in case of surgery. Ask a lot of questions about the success rates achieved and the people involved in the treatment.

With hospital conditions being what they are today, never be afraid to ask anyone treating you whether they have washed their hands or not. Infections acquired during your hospital stay account for a majority of the problems that victims suffer from. It is estimated that if the people treating patients wash their hands regularly, rate of just infections could be greatly reduced.

If, God forbid, anything goes wrong with your treatment, make sure that your insurance covers you for legal expenses to investigate potential clinical negligence claims.

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Causes of Erb's Palsy

During childbirth, some newborn infants may be put under a great deal of physical stress. This may be true if the baby is larger than normal, is delivered feet first, or is the victim of physician negligence. In all of these cases, the delivering doctor may be at fault for a child's suffering.

Erb's palsy may occur as a result of any of the previously mentioned difficulties. Erb's palsy is the partial or complete paralysis of the arm. It occurs when the brachial plexus, which is a series of nerves in the shoulder that control arm movement, suffers trauma.

Though this condition is not life threatening, it can present a number of challenges for newborns and their parents. In most cases, the condition is reparable, but it may require intensive physical therapy or surgery to correct, both of which may be costly.

Often, the delivering physician is to blame because he or she is charged with the safe delivery of the infant. When babies are larger than usual or are positioned to be delivered feet-first, then the doctor is supposed to order a caesarian section, or c-section, if normal delivery may pose risks.

Additionally, the physicians may injure the child through misuse of delivery instruments. In the case of Erb's palsy, this most frequently occurs when the delivering doctor is careless with his or her forceps and damages an infant's shoulder.

When a newborn infant suffers from Erb's palsy, the baby's parents may be entitled to financial compensation from the delivering doctors. To seek this compensation, parents are advised to bring their cases to experienced birth injuries lawyer.

If your child suffers from Erb's palsy because of an error during childbirth, discuss your legal rights and options with the Cedar Rapids birth injuries attorneys at the Leehey Law Firm today.

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Post-Operative Negligence

Millions of people will need a surgical procedure this year. Many surgeries will successfully take care of a threatening health condition. Unfortunately, not all surgeries go smoothly. Every person will react differently to their procedure and serious complications may result. Many of the injuries sustained due to surgery will occur after the procedure itself. The healing process is just as important as the preparation and actual procedure. If a medical professional is negligent during this time, there may be devastating results.

A person should be informed about the risks of their health condition as well as the risks of any treatment options, including surgery. This allows doctors to cover their bases in case something goes wrong. However, if they perform a procedure incorrectly or fail to provide adequate care after the surgery, they may be held responsible for the pain and suffering they caused.

The following are some of the most common results of negligence in post-operative care:

Delayed healing - Patient is not attended to after the surgery, resulting in a drastic increase in recovery time. Septic shock - Rapidly occurs if proper post-operative care is not provided and the patient suffers from serious infection. The risks include organ failure and death. Infection - This can occur if a professional fails to provide a safe and clean environment.

These injuries can be caused by inattentive medical professionals, confusing patients' charts, or a lack of a clean environment in which post-operative patients can recover. If negligence was cause of these conditions, compensation may be available to the victims. Medical bills, loss of wages, and emotional pain and suffering will all be considered in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

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Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death

Often, individuals seek the assistance of healthcare providers to receive treatment for their medical ailments. In some cases, though, individuals get the exact opposite of what they seek. Medical malpractice is typically considered to be a negligent action on the part of a healthcare practitioner that results in harm to a patient.

This negligence may cause an individual to suffer a serious injury. Unfortunately, it may also cause some individuals to pass away. Wrongful death stemming from medical malpractice is a serious issue that should not go unpunished when it occurs.

Wrongful death may result from a number of negligent actions that can occur in a healthcare facility. What usually separates these cases from the ones in which individuals only receive injury is usually either the severity of the negligent act or the patient's initial condition.

Actions that may cause an individual to pass away from botched medical care include:

Incorrect or delayed treatment Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose Understaffing due to employer negligence Surgical errors and malpractice Medication interactions

Each of these actions may be easy to commit, but the results of them may cost a patient his or her life. When this happens, the medical facility that employs the medical professional who is responsible for the wrongful death is usually accountable.

The families of medical malpractice victims who pass away may be entitled to financial compensation. These individuals should seek experienced legal help in their pursuit of this compensation for their loved ones' deaths.

Though pursuing financial compensation for the loss of a loved one may not seem like an appropriate action, it is important to note that this is often the best way to hold responsible individuals accountable for their negligence.

If your loved one passed away after suffering an act of medical malpractice, discuss your legal rights and options with the Pennsylvania wrongful death attorneys of Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C.

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Regional Anesthesia Complications

Anesthesia of every kind has some kind of risk involved for the patient. Risks are often associated with your health status and how your body reacts to the anesthesia. Regional anesthesia is a type of anesthetic that is injected near a nerve or group of nerves. Doctors who administer anesthesia are usually highly trained and experienced in their field. However, they can and do make errors that can severely hurt innocent patients.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to an anesthesia error, contact a knowledgeable medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. Medical costs in America are very high and are often unaffordable for many patients. If you have incurred medical bills because of another person's negligent error, you should not have to pay for their mistakes.

Types of Regional Anesthesia Complications

Depending on the type of anesthesia that was given to you, you could experience a variety of side effects that could be due to another person's carelessness when they gave you the anesthesia. Types of complications that are common with regional anesthesia include:

Numbness Weakness Severe pain Bloodstream toxicity Infection Swelling Lung problems Heart problemsThese kinds of complications can have a severe and devastating effect on your life. If you have become sick or injured because of an anesthesia error, you could have to miss work in order to recover. Trying to pay bills when you cannot work and earn your normal wages can be extremely difficult and stressful. Speak with an attorney today to find out if you could receive compensation for any medical mistakes that were made.

Contact Us

Contact a Kenosha medical malpractice attorneys of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C., to discuss your case, free of charge.

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Allergic Reactions to Medication

Medication is usually prescribed by doctors and other medical professionals to help aid us on the road to recovery or to relieve pain. However, you may have certain allergies and some of them could be related to certain types of drugs. Even though doctors usually know which drugs you are allergic to, negligent errors could be made that may result in a dangerous reaction or, in some circumstances, death.

It is the responsibility of manufacturers to list possible allergies on their drugs and for medical staff to be aware of any allergies you have. If you believe that careless or recklessness caused your allergic reaction, call an experienced personal injury attorneys today to discuss your case. Skilled attorneys can explain your rights and may be able to help you identify the person or party responsible for your unnecessary pain and suffering.

Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction

Symptoms of drug allergies can present themselves in a variety of ways. Common types of reactions include:

Pain in your joints or muscles Hives or skin rashes Difficulty breathing High fevers Increased heart rate Swelling of the mouth or face

Other types of symptoms could occur that you may or may not have experienced before. If you have suffered because of an allergic reaction to medication, you should seek medical attention as quickly as possible to minimize any long-term effects of this reaction.

Allergic reactions can have lasting effects on your health and well-being, so it is important to make sure that the party responsible for your condition is held responsible for their carelessness.

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Foreign Objects Left in the Body After Surgery

Surgical instruments are an important and essential part of surgery. They allow surgeons to cut into an individual, exposing the site of an internal ailment. They also allow surgeons to create a workable space within the patient, probe into the affected area, repair any abnormalities, and close the site of surgery.Surgical instruments are an important and essential part of surgery. They allow surgeons to cut into an individual, exposing the site of an internal ailment. They also allow surgeons to create a workable space within the patient, probe into the ailed area, repair any abnormalities, and close the site of surgery.

Throughout this process, surgeons are supposed to take special care to keep track of any surgical instruments that they use, which may include scalpels, clamps, forceps, sponges, catheters, and other medical devices that allow surgeon to perform certain procedures.

Failure to keep track of these instruments may cause surgeons to leave tools behind in a patient's body cavity. The most common method for preventing this from happening is counting the number of instruments in the operating room both before and after a procedure to account for every item used.

When surgeons leave tools in the body, individual may suffer a great deal of harm. Some tools, like sponges, are havens for bacteria and other infectious pathogens. Patients with sponges left in their bodies may suffer bacteremia, sepsis, or septic shock, each of which can be deadly.

Other patients with clamps and sharp objects left in their bodies may suffer organ damage or organ failure. Some individuals may suffer internal puncture wounds, which can lead to internal hemorrhaging. These conditions may also be deadly.

In many cases, the lead surgeon is accountable for leaving surgical tools in an individual's body. As such, victims may be entitled to financial compensation from this individual when they have been the victims of this error.

If you or someone you love suffered harm because a surgeon left foreign objects in your body after surgery, discuss your legal rights and options with the Pittsburgh surgical errors attorneys of Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C., today.

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Wrongful Death Malpractice Tips

Wrongful death malpractice cases are a tragic issue that many families have to deal with. It is estimated that more than 200,000 people die as a result of medical malpractice every year. For families coping with the tragedy of an unexpected death of a loved one due to a medical mistake, certainly time and space are needed to grieve and cope with the loss.

Many families who have lost a loved one due to wrongful death malpractice do seek legal justice in the courts through a wrongful death lawsuit. These lawsuits certainly will not bring the deceased back to life, but many families find some relief in seeking justice for their lost family member by holding the injuring party accountable for their actions. These cases may involve negligence, misdiagnosis, dental malpractice, bacterial infections, medication errors, surgical malpractice and more.

With a wrongful death case, usually the accusations are against the hospital or medical staff such as doctors, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists and even lab techs. These and other medical professionals may have acted in a manner that was negligent, reckless or even intentional, and these actions resulted in the death of your loved one. When you speak with your personal injury attorney, he or she will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your case with you, including how to determine the cause of death, the strict liability of death and more. These claims must be made by family members and are usually filed by a spouse, a sibling or other such relative of the deceased. Your lawyer will discuss with you that in order to be successful, your case must provide a diagnostic error, damage caused during surgery, negligence or some other such factor at the hands of a medical professional.

Often with malpractice cases that rule on the side of the deceased's family, a legal claim is financially awarded with a cash settlement. The fact is that these cases are very complex, and if you are to be successful in your claim, you need to work with an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer familiar with wrongful death case law. Legal remedy and compensation is available to you and your family for the tragic loss of your loved one. However, keep in mind that there is a statue of limitations on such cases, so while you may still be mourning your loss, you do need to seek action quickly to be protected under the law.

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Key Factors Affecting a Medical Negligence Case

If you think that your doctor was negligent in your treatment, and you can go ahead and sue him/her to get a huge compensation, you are mistaken. There may be errors on the part of a medical practitioner pertaining to your treatment. However, not every medical error is an adequate ground for filing a claim.

Assessment of various aspects is imperative in this regard. Do you have a case? Only a medical negligence attorney practicing in Boca Raton can provide the right answer to this question. This requires knowledge of the Florida laws as well as the experience in this specific field to get the assessment done from experts.

Liability or legal responsibility for the negligence is an important issue. The key factor in this regard is what the expected standard of care was and whether it was followed or not. One consideration is the geographical area, as it affects the extent of treatments available - a village doctor would not have access to the facilities at a city nursing home.

Negligence can be of different kinds. Whether your doctor failed to diagnose correctly or the nursing home did not conduct the right tests, it can qualify as negligence. The question is whether the negligence on the part of the doctor, or nurse, or nursing home facility, lead to any damage or deterioration in the patient.

Establishing liability and negligence would not suffice if your attorney were incapable of establishing that these led to damages. You would not be able to attain damage recovery if there were no damages. Accumulation of evidence to prove that you suffered injuries because of the negligence is necessary for this.

Understanding how the injuries affects your life is important, to calculate the amount you ask for damage recovery. The specific circumstances of your case affect this. The loss of a limb would mean more to an athlete than it would to a teacher. Therefore, each case needs a separate evaluation of damages.

You can sue a doctor, an associate professional or a medical facility on this ground. However, make sure to consult a Boca Raton medical negligence attorney. Do not delay in this. Florida has a statute of limitations that gives you two years from the date of the discovery to file a liability claim.

Find a capable attorney, ask for an appointment and discuss the details of the case to understand whether you can file a claim and get adequate damage recovery.

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Do You Have A Valid Case For Medical Malpractice?

Many of us look to hospitals and the doctors that they employ to help us when our health is not what it should be. Although we may put our trust in the system, there are going to be times when our trust is misplaced. Unfortunately, the actions or inactions of a doctor can sometimes result in additional harm occurring to the patient and in the worst case scenario, the death of the patient. If you or someone you love has suffered as a result of negligence on the part of the doctor, you do have the option of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. What are some of the things that you can expect when this occurs?

First of all, it is important that you get the right type of representation if you are going to be filing a medical malpractice law suit. The laws that govern these issues are going to differ from state to state so it would be to your benefit to hire someone who understands the laws of the state in which the problem occurred. It is even more important to hire the right type of representation if the malpractice resulted in the death of a loved one. There is going to be a lot of paperwork that is involved in this type of lawsuit and the last thing that you want to do is to go through all that paperwork on your own while you are grieving.

It is important for you to be taking detailed notes during your hospital stay, like what happened, which doctor recommended what procedure, what medications were prescribed, how much and how often, etc. This will be your key to winning a law suit if things come to that.

Much of what occurs within a medical malpractice lawsuit is going to take place behind the scenes. Before any type of lawsuit is actually filed, a lot of research is going to be done and the facts are going to be gathered so that it can proceed without a problem. It is important to note, you do have a limited amount of time in which to file this type of lawsuit and if you wait beyond that time, you may not be able to file the claim at all. Be certain that you discuss this with your attorney and know those deadlines from the start.

After all of the information has been compiled, including any medical records, bills and documentation from those with first-hand knowledge and even photographs, then it is possible to move forward with the medical malpractice suit. In many cases, it is going to be settled out of court and you will get a settlement in the form of cash, because the hospital knows it is wrong and does not want the negative publicity. In other cases, it will have to go through the court system which will take some time but with the right representation, you will usually see positive results.

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Medical Malpractice: A Complicated Legal Affair

Medical malpractice is not always intentional. However, there are several scenarios where a medical professional is negligent while treating patients. This may result in misdiagnosis. There may be injury at the time of any operation too. This may result in permanent injury too.

It must be kept in mind in this regard that personal injury law is not a federal law. As a result personal injury law is dealt at state level. This brings into the scenario variations in same offence from state to state.

A patient after being victim of misdiagnosis in a local medical facility finds to his dismay that the doctor is not an employee. In this type of complicated legal issue who is liable for compensation? There may be a situation where the victim has been shifted from one medical facility to another for better treatment. However, when the patient is discharged he realizes that he has been a medical malpractice victim.

Then the question arises, who is responsible for the medical malpractice done to the patient? A lawyer is an expert in law but not an expert in medical science. In order to reconstruct the case you would require the advice and evaluation of another medical practitioner.

All states make it mandatory to have a testimonial from a registered medical practitioner along with the lawsuit. The testimonial is an assertion about the validity of the lawsuit. Since, the compensation claim can run into millions of dollar depending upon the nature of the lawsuit. Several states have made it mandatory for doctors to have liability insurance.

In this type of insurance policy the insurance company pays the compensation payment. As a result the insurance company tries to reduce the compensation payment by hook or crook. Common defense strategy is to blame the victim that the injury preexisted. It must be clarified in this regard that the same injury can be used to claim compensation though a similar injury has occurred to the victim in the past.

Statistics of a city may vary based on several factors. The population of the desired region, the number of medical facilities will determine the medical malpractice case volume. There are several small cities in USA like the Johnson City in Tennessee. This city was previously a rail road conjunction point. In case you are a victim of any form of medical malpractice related persona injury approach a Johnson City Medical Malpractice Lawyer.

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Failure to Disclose Drug Side Effects

When a pharmaceutical company develops a new drug, it will test it extensively before making it available for sale. In some cases, the companies will find errors with the drugs, such as harmful side effects, but market them anyway because the potential good outweighs the potential bad.

This is perfectly acceptable as long as the pharmaceutical company lists those potential dangers among the drug's side effects. When the company fails to do this and still markets the drug, then consumers may be in danger of suffering a serious ailment.

Typically, pharmaceutical companies will try to hide the most severe of a drug's side effects. A drug that does not have potential side effects of heart attack or stroke, for example, is usually more appealing to the public than one that could cause one of those medical conditions.

Unfortunately, just because the company hides these effects does not mean that they cannot occur. The truth is, these side effects may occur with great frequency and may eventually be traced back to the drug. This may have a number of repercussions for the pharmaceutical company.

The company may be forced to pull the drug from the market, losing profits from a drug that sells well. Companies may also be held liable for the injuries that their drugs cause, meaning that they may have to pay millions of dollars in financial compensation to the victims of their drugs.

Individuals who have suffered harm from using a drug with unlisted effects may be able to pursue compensation from the pharmaceutical companies if they file medical malpractice lawsuits.

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Your Injury Attorney Talks About Medical Malpractice

Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit is not an easy decision for a victim. They may have lost a loved one or suffered an injury. However, an injury lawyer can help a client wade through the legal maze. They will know what the patient's rights are and how to defend them. He or she can also help decide who is liable and if it is one person or multiple people. The lawyer's job is to make sure the victim receives the compensation they deserve.

Medical Malpractice Defined

Medical malpractice, or medical negligence, occurs when a medical caregiver makes a mistake or is negligent. When that mistake results in an injury or death, the caregiver is liable for damages. However there are a couple of things to consider. First, the mistake must be outside of the normal governing standard of care. Secondly, it differs from the risk that would normally be associated with a procedure. That kind of risk cannot be avoided and is not the fault of the caregiver.

Types of Claims

An injury lawyer might advise a client to file a medical malpractice lawsuit for a number of things. For example, a misdiagnosis that results in the wrong treatment or a medication error can lead to a case. However, first responders, such as firefighters, are generally protected from lawsuits. Emergency room personnel are also difficult to sue. They are not protected, but the frenzied nature of the setting makes proving that the personnel did not act properly very difficult.


In order to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit a victim must have an expert who is willing to swear that there was a mistake. The expert must be someone in the same field. They must also be willing to sign an affidavit. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if a foreign object is accidentally left in the body. Also, treating the wrong patient or the wrong body part will negate the need for an affidavit.

Statute of Limitations

The statue of limitations might be the biggest risk to a patient's rights. In Nevada, the statue of limitations is one year from the point of discovery or when it should have been discovered. This was changed in 2004, and many people let this date pass without realizing it. For this reason, it is important to contact an injury lawyer right away. The lawyer can also advise the victim of certain loopholes that exist.


Liability is also a factor when filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. Different people may be responsible for different amounts. An injury lawyer can help sort this out. For example, comparative negligence means that a victim's own negligence must be less than the combined fault of all the other defendants. If it's not, the lawyer will advise against pursuing the case. The lawyer might also advise the client to file against other defendants, such as the hospital.

Sometimes the only way to protect a patient's rights is with a medical malpractice lawsuit. An injury lawyer can play an important role in making this decision. He or she will know when a case can be pursued. The lawyer will also understand all of the legal matters such as the statute of limitation and liability. With a lawyer involved, the victim is more likely to receive the compensation they deserve.

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Dental Malpractice

For many people, a trip to the dentist brings about pangs of fear and dread. Few people look forward to a trip to the dentist, but it can be a great benefit to your health. Dental health is an important part of a person's overall well being and general health. But just like other types of medical procedures, dental procedures can also go wrong and leave a patient in greater pain than they were before.

Dentists are not immune from committing medical malpractice. If a dentist performs the wrong type of procedure or commits a harmful error during a dental procedure, they may be liable for the consequences. Your gums, teeth, and tongue are all very sensitive parts of your body and a misstep in a dental procedure can have serious consequences like a lack of sensation or significant pain.

Dental surgery must be performed carefully as well. It is crucial for your dentist to be well informed and extremely careful at all times. If the wrong tooth is removed or the wrong tooth is operated on, a patient may go through unnecessary pain, recovery, and expenses for follow up appointments. A surgical error can be a costly event that a patient should not have to pay for.

Also, dentists are often responsible for fitting and setting crowns, bridges, and dentures. These objects can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort for a patient if they are negligently set or placed. An ill fitting dental apparatus can lead to painful sores and even infection if the wound is not properly cared for.

If you or someone you love has suffered unnecessarily because of dental negligence, please visit the website of the Iowa personal injury lawyers at LaMarca & Landry, P.C..

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